条纹管: | 法国Photonis公司X-ray Bilamellar family: 该条纹管提供了超高时间分辨率的同时可以得到更高的空间分辨率。 |
光谱响应 | 光阴极可在实验室进行更换,从而可根据实验需求选择最优的阴极材料。 |
空间分辨率 | |
光阴极长度(X) | 18mm |
空间分辨率(dx) | 40um with 50% contrast |
空间分辨单元数目(X/dx | 450 points |
单次扫描模式 | |
扫描时间范围(T) | 200ps to 1ms |
时间分辨单元数目(Nt) | 675 |
单次扫描的时间分辨率 | 时间范围>700ps: Range/675 时间范围<700ps: 700fs |
积分扫描模式 | |
触发类型 | 时间范围>5ns: 电脉冲信号 (10-35V, 50欧姆) 时间范围<5ns: CPA 激光脉冲 (采用激光器触发扫描组件) |
触发频率 | 单次扫描或5kHz |
触发信号抖动 | 时间范围>1ns: <15ps RMS 时间范围<1ns:500fs RMS |
时间分辨率 | 时间范围>1ns: range/675 时间范围<1ns: 700fs |
数据读出 | |
读出方式 | 高灵敏度CCD相机(-30度) |
CCD芯片类型 | 2048x2048;27mmx27mm |
数字化 | 16 bits |
条纹管耦合方式 | 1:1光纤锥 |
制冷方式 | 半导体制冷,水冷散热 |
工作模式 | |
普通扫描模式 Normal Sweep | 扫描从屏幕外开始,覆盖整个屏幕且从屏幕外结束。 |
时间扫描模式 Timing mode | 扫描从屏幕内开始,且在屏幕内结束,条纹相机与事件进行同步。 |
调焦模式 Focus mode | 静态电压用于定位追迹屏幕中心。该模式是不是工作模式,主要用于产品调试。 |
真空 | |
真空度 | <1x10-5 torr at the cathode |
真空法兰类型 | ISO-200 for re-entrant camera ISO-160 for High-End camera 客户定制法兰 |
存储腔 | 每一款X射线条纹相机到货时会伴随一个真空腔(集成了UV窗口),用于存储或校准。 |
提供的配置类型 | |
前端开放式条纹相机 | ![]() |
Fully integrated airbox for Ten-Inch Manipulator | ![]() |
通用参数 | |
电源 | 110-240V,50-60Hz |
电源认证 | CE |
测试和校准 | 出厂前,所有的产品都会采用Advanced Laser Light Source(加拿大)同步辐射的飞秒激光光源进行检测和标定。 |
安装和培训 | 用户实验室进行现场安装和使用操作培训。 |
选配件 | |
Blanking Circuits | With the blanking option, streak tube is blocked during the time the signals sweeps back to its start position. This feature is required when the optical signal lasts longer than the sweep range. |
Remote control over Optical Ethernet | Web-based user interface to operate system via optical Ethernet 1 Gb/s (1000 Base SX) on 2 SMA 905 connectors (or other common fiber optics standards). |
Laser-triggered sweep unit for CPA laser | Because of its sub-picosecond jitter, this unit allows the analysis of ultrafast events at repetition rates up to 5 kHz while conserving the excellent spatial and temporal resolution of the AXIS streak camera. This is the ideal tools ultrafast spectroscopy with large dynamic range and high signal-to-noise ratio It requires about 100 µJ per laser pulse.![]() XUV spectrum of Carbon averaged over 600 shots at 10 Hz with a temporal resolution of 4 ps. M. Nantel, et al, Phys. Rev. Let. 80, 4442 (1998) |
Timing fiducial input fibers | This assembly allows recording of two timing optical pulses, one at each end of the slit. These pulses are sent through optical fibers. This is for absolute time referencing and to measure absolute sensitivity on each shot. |
Slow scan mode | Operation mode in which the sweep crosses the whole screen in 0.5 second. It is used to characterize spatial non-uniformity in the instrumental response by illuminating with a constant brightness light source. |
24V电源 | To power the whole system with a DC voltage between 23V and 28V. |
X-ray光谱仪 | X-ray spectrometer that fits special needs. |