FLIM systems for Zeiss LSM 710/780- z轴扫描FLIM成像
- 共聚焦FLIM
- 单探测器系统
- 多探测器系统
- 多光谱FLIM探测系统
- 磷光寿命成像Phosphorescence lifetime imaging
- Mosaic FLIM
- FLIM序列采集可达2帧/秒
- 时间标签记录和柱状图模式
- FIF成像模式(大视场成像)

Descanned FLIM Systems for Leica SP2 and SP5 Multiphoton Microscopes- Descanned detection systems
- Detection via X1 port of microscope
- High efficiency for thin samples
- High suppression of bacground light
- single detector system and dual detector systems
- multi-spectral FLIM systems
- PMC-100, H7422, ultra-fast MCP PMT, Multispectral PMT modules
- Detectors protected by shutter and by overload shutdow
- single-channel and dual-channel(parallel detection) TCSPCsystems
- On-board image acquisition and time-tag imaging modes
- Electronics integrated in bh simple-Tau 150 or 152 or standard-PC systems
- Instrument and data analysis software for windows 2000, XP, Vista, win 7
FLIM Systems for Olympus FV1000 confocal Microscopes - 采用405nm或者473nm等皮秒脉冲激光器
- 共聚焦FLIM成像
- 探测器直接耦合,耦合效率高,信号损失少
- 单探测器或多探测器系统
- 多光谱荧光寿命成像系统
- 探测器过载保护
- 光纤耦合SPAD探测器
- 单通道或多通道FLIM系统
- On-board image acquisition and time tag imaging modes
- Electronics integrated in BH simple-Tau 150, 152, 830 or standard-PC systems
- instrument and data analysis software for Windows 2000, XP, Vista or Win 7

FLIM Systems for Nikon C1, A1 Scanners- The Nikon C1 scanner and A1 scanner use fiber coupling both for the laser input and for the output to the detector.
- 可以采用405nm, 440nm, 473nm,488nm, 515nm或640nm皮秒脉冲激光器
- 探测器采用光纤耦合或直接耦合
- 单探测器或多探测器FLIM系统
- 多光谱FLIM系统
- 探测器过载保护功能
- 单通道或多通道FLIM系统
- On-board image acquisition and time-tag imaging modes
- Electronics integrated in BH simple-Tau 150, 152, 830 or standard-PC systems
- instrument and data analysis software for Windows 2000, XP, Vista or Win 7
- 显微镜使用皮秒脉冲或者飞秒激光器
- 显微镜可以耦合皮秒脉冲激光器
- 显微镜具有可以耦合单光子探测器的荧光出口
- 显微镜可以提供扫描时钟信号