
KURO sCMOS相机的产品特点:
  • 背照式芯片,量子效率>95%
  • 更低固定背景噪声
  • 高帧频速度和低读出噪声
  • 无微透镜阵列,对入射光角度没有特殊要求
  • 更大像元尺寸和更大动态范围
  • 更灵活的触发工作模式
  • 优化用于光谱实验
  • 强大的64位LightField Software

KURO 背照式科学级SCMOS相机

普林斯顿仪器公司(Princeton Instruments)最新推出了KURO这款背照式科学级SCMOS相机,KURO是世界上第一款科学级SCMOS相机。
KURO相机的量子效率可高达>95%以上,具有100%的fill factor,这全部归功于背照式sCMOS芯片工艺。此外,这款相机极大限度的降低了固定背景噪声(常见于前感光sCMOS相机);不需要在芯片前端增加微透镜阵列器件,从而避免了微透镜阵列导致的紫外至近红外波段量子效率的降低。
不论是科学工作者还是工程人员,都将受益于KURO相机的优异性能,如极低读出噪声(1.3e- rms median),高帧频速度(82fps, 1200x1200分辨率),灵活的数据binning能力(软件)。

Images captured by KURO: 1200B back illuminated sCMOS camera. Star cluster (left), Orion Nebula. Courtesy of Southwest Research Institute, Colorado USA



The KURO features a back-illuminated sensor architecture just like that of the most sensitive CCD detectors available. The back-illuminated technology utilized by the KURO allows this next-generation sCMOS camera system to deliver >95% quantum efficiency (QE) and 100% fill factor.


The KURO uses the latest sCMOS fabrication technology along with optimized electronics. As a result, it has a significantly better noise profile than any previous-generation, front-illuminated sCMOS camera.


Unlike front-illuminated sCMOS cameras, which claim ~80% peak QE, the KURO does not use microlenses to recapture light from the masked area of the pixel. Microlenses significantly degrade QE when light is incident at any angle other than normal to the sensor surface.


The KURO offers very high frame rates, up to 41 fps (16 bit) or 82 fps (12 bit) at full 1200 x 1200 resolution with an exceptionally low 1.3 e- rms (median) read noise. The camera is capable of delivering hundreds of frames per second with reduced resolution.


The 11 µm2 pixel pitch of the KURO sensor captures 2.8x more photons than previous-generation sCMOS sensors. Each pixel can also handle a large full well of 80,000 electrons, allowing excellent dynamic range (61,500:1 or 95 dB).


Scientists and engineers should carefully consider which sensor technology is best suited to their application. In general, for imaging or spectroscopy applications that require extended integration times (seconds to hours), CCD or EMCCD cameras are still preferred. This is also true for spectroscopy applications that require on-chip binning. Meanwhile, for time-resolved applications that require ultrafast gating, intensified cameras (ICCD or emICCD) are the best choice. Back-illuminated sCMOS cameras provide the sensitivity and frame rates needed for all other applications with relatively short integration times (less than 10 seconds). Table 3 summarizes several key features of these sensor technologies and offers some general recommendations for different applications.


Scientific CMOS sensors typically do not support on-chip binning. However, the KURO camera’s low read noise and support of software binning (off-chip binning) make it ideal for high-speed spectroscopy applications. Furthermore, the pixel pitch of its sensor is a perfect match for optimal use with the award-winning, aberration-free IsoPlane® spectrometer from Princeton Instruments.


Designed for operation within the Princeton Instruments LightField software ecosystem, the KURO is easy to control and can be integrated quickly in myriad imaging and spectroscopy experiments. Camera integration for use with both MATLAB® (MathWorks) and LabVIEW® (National Instruments) is also fast and simple.

Imaging Models
  Imaging Array Sensor Type Pixel Size Peak QE
KURO 1200Bdatasheet pdf1200 x 1200Back-illuminated scientific CMOS11.0 x 11.0 µmview QE data below

Fluorescence, Phosphorescence, and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy
Fluorescence, phosphorescence and photoluminescence occur when a sample is excited by absorbing photons and then emits them with a decay time that is characteristic of the sample environment.

Astronomical Imaging
Astronomical imaging can be broadly divided into two categories: (1) steady-state imaging, in which long exposures are required to capture ultra-low-light-level objects, and (2) time-resolved photometry, in which integration times range from milliseconds to a few seconds.


Tech Notes

New Scientific CMOS Cameras with Back-Illuminated Technology
Aided by the latest CMOS fabrication technology, sCMOS devices can finally be created with a back-illuminated sensor architecture. As a result, sCMOS sensors are now capable of CCD-like quantum efficiency (>95%) and dynamic range without compromising the low read noise and high frame rates for which they are known.

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