Introducing the NIRvana family of InGaAs cameras - NIR-II/SWIR cameras designed by scientists, for scientists! The NIRvana family of cameras, which includes the NIRvana and NIRvana ST models, are the only scientific-grade InGaAs cameras on the market specifically designed for quantitative near infrared/shortwave IR (SWIR) imaging and spectroscopy applications. They are a result of Princeton Instruments’ decades of experience and expertise in designing ultra-low noise cameras for scientific and R&D applications.
NIRvana cameras differentiate themselves from other InGaAs cameras (which are designed for industrial night vision applications) by the following performance features: - Deep Cooling - Unprecedented deep cooling down to -85° C (or -65° C for NIRvana-ST) achieved via maintenance-free thermoelectric cooling.
- Low Dark Noise - Deep cooling coupled with proprietary cold shield design achieves lowest possible dark noise.
- All-metal Vacuum Seals - Scientific-grade InGaAs sensor is encased in an all-metal, permanently sealed vacuum chamber. No re-pumping or regular maintenance is necessary. No cooling degradation over time or troublesome condensation on the sensor.
- High Linearity - Quantitative in low or high light levels.
- Low Read Noise - Ultra-low noise readout electronics.
- High Frame Rate - Up to 110 full frames per second with full triggering support for external synchronization.
- Software and Usability - Optional 64-bit LightField software provides powerful, yet easy to use interface, with real time, online processing at your finger tips. Or easily integrate it into larger experiment using available LabView toolkit.
- Integration Time - Ability to expose as short as 2 μs up to many minutes.

"The new InGaAs focal panel array detector has allowed our research group to easily extend our imaging spectroscopy techniques into the near-infrared regime. Combining a PIoNIR (now known as NIRvana) with an eXcelon ProEM camera has enabled us to rapidly acquire 2D images from 400nm-1700nm on the same SP2300i spectrograph. Unlike other InGaAs 2D detectors we tested, the TE cooling and background subtraction features have allowed us to easily acquire long exposures to resolve photoluminescence from very dilute emitter samples." - Rashid Zia, Manning Assistant Professor, School of Engineering, Brown University
NIRvana SWIR cameras are currently used by leading researchers across the globe. Proven technology that is specifically designed to meet scientific demands for SWIR imaging. This is in clear contrast to the cameras designed for industrial applications – which often lack flexibility, ease of use, and quantitative performance required for scientific applications. NIRvana Application and Technical Notes as well as Data Sheet are linked on Data sheet page In summary, NIRvana is the first choice for NIR-II/SWIR cameras for challenging applications that include: - Astronomical imaging
- Spectroscopy
- Biological / Whole animal imaging
- Semiconductor failure analysis.
| Single walled nanotube (SWNT) Image courtesy of Prof. R. Bruce Weisman, Rice University, Houston, TX |
| Photoluminescence image of a textured solar cell Image courtesy of Dr. Steven Johnson, NREL, Golden, CO | |
Export License information: Export of NIRvana (2D InGaAs FPA camera) outside United States of America is subject to all applicable export