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SPECTRA and SPECTRA X Light Engines
•输出值高:1mm直径光纤的功率为75~150 mW,0.2mm光纤的功率为3~6mW
•可选的近红外(NIR)光源(735 nm)
•固定(SPECTRA)或用户可变(SPECTRA X)滤光片配置

SPECTRA X使用交替的蓝光和黄光研究感光视网膜细胞内黑视素基质的响应Melanopsin-derived visual responses under light adapted conditions in the mouse dLGN. PLoS ONE (2015) 10(3):e012342425822371
SOLA SE斑马鱼毛细胞的ChR2(460~490 nm)的瞬时刺激响应Optical stimulation of zebra?sh hair cells expressing channelrhodopsin-2. PLoS ONE (2014) 9(5): e9664124791934
SPECTRA X用青色(475 nm)和黄色(586 nm)光分别通过ChR2和NpHR激活老鼠背根神经节Virally mediated optogenetic excitation and inhibition of pain in freely moving nontransgenic mice. Nature Biotech. (2014) 32(3):274–27824531797
SPECTRA X475nm激活和632 nm湮灭双稳态光 活氯离子通道中的SwiChRStructure-guided transformation of
channelrhodopsin into a light-activated chloride channel. Science (2014) 344(6182):420–424
SPECTRA刺激(ChR2,475 nm)和阻止(Arch-T,549 nm)黑色素浓缩素(MCH)产生神经元Optogenetic manipulation of activity and temporally controlled cell-speci?c ablation reveal a role for MCH neurons in sleep/wake regulation. J Neurosci. (2014) 34(20):6896–690924828644
SPECTRA X476nm光激活刺激氯离子通道ChloCConversion of channelrhodopsin into a light-gated chloride channel. Science (2014) 344(6182):409–41224674867
SPECTRA用ChR2(475nm)瞬态(1-200ms)刺激大鼠皮层神经元Role of electrical activity in horizontal axon growth in the developing cortex:?a time-lapse study using optogenetic stimulation. PLoS ONE (2013) 8(12):e8295424376616
SPECTRA用Arch-T抑制神经元的表达Long-lasting silencing of orexin/hypocretin neurons using archaerhodopsin induces slow-wave sleep in mice. Behav Brain Res. (2013) 255:64-7423707248

(翻译:北京鼎信优威光子科技有限公司     汪阳 博士)

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